HexLib uses FreeBSD Licenses.
Longer version about licenses
I have used for the GUI some components already developed by other
persons (e.g. Autofiller
or ComponentTitleBorder by Santosh Kumar, HeapView by sky). For the
GUI implementation I did not checked thoroughly if there are any
problems with the components I have used, especially since I provide
source code. If there are any objections please tell me and I'll think
about how and what to change.
For the library I am confident that I did not miss anything
resp. violate any
existing licenses cause most of the code was developed by myself.
My ideas about licenses
I do not
believe that licenses
prevent from usage. I am working in a big IT company and the software
used is also not always in a very clear state - whatever the reasons
are ...
I hope this piece of application resp. library will help your everyday
life, so there is some kind of benefit. If there are as well ideas how
to improve that software I am looking forward to some kind of feedback
- or even some implemented code. That is my only hope, I have in that
part of project - that somehow others will contribute as well. I do not
know, if this hope is some kind of false hope, but if I do not hope, who
else should hope?