My understanding from the history is finally what you can use resp.
have Now.
You can now use the HexLib.
To find out about the features of HexLib, please review the Components.
Why HexLib was build?
When I was implementing for one program I needed the display of
collected data. Since the data is binary formated I was interested in
some kind of HexEditor or more precisely in a HexViewer.
Unfortunately this did not exist in Java with the functions I was
looking for.
I found some base on which I build HexLib and got finally as well
almost rid of the base.
Finally I have already implemented much more then I was looking for
and what I have expected.
Version History
- Del-Key deletes the selection(s) and/or the char at the
- Ctrl-C copies the selection(s) into the clipboard
- Ctrl-V paste the content of the clipboard at the cursor
position. For the insert are two modes available
- overwrite
- delete the selection and insert the content of the
- Ctrl-X cuts the text and copies the selection(s) into the
- New instances of HexLib are placed on a TabbedPane which allows reorder of the tabs
- Settings resp. Options for the GUI are now in Tabs (amount of
displayable options/information does not easily fit on one screen)
- FocusListener can now be added properly to the library to detect changes
- Instances of HexLib are now separated more clearly to have
individual handling of their contents (e.g. cursor-pos, selection, focus, etc.)
- Rename of the library (
- Text-selection expanded to keyboard functionality, e.g.
Shift-Arrows, Ctrl-A, etc.
- Scrolling around if the Text-selection gets out of visible
- Input in ASCII-part only allowed for printable chars
(previously keycode for e.g. Ctrl-O was also inserted)
- Cursor remains during selections to indicate positioning
- Text can be selected, i.e. is highlighted resp. marked
- Selection is possible with multiple marks
- Search can highlights/mark all matching texts
- Some panels are expandable
- Standalone library of HexLib is now used in the GUI
- Library now uses GridBagLayout (instead of Forms for
- Minor changes (e.g. Set file-size, layout-issues,
scroll-issues, etc.)