Functions resp. Features
implemented in |
Display |
Display the content
of a File in
Hex- and ASCII-View
(and the matching file size) |
Library |
Content is
changeable resp.
could be set to not editable |
File size
displayed and can
be switched between
- Bytes only
- automatic conversion into Bytes/KBytes/MBytes
Recognize changes
and mark them
in the header of the Hex part |
Amount of digits in border (resp.
indication of
location) either dynamic to content or fixed |
Colors |
- Stripe colors
- Background of Hex- and ASCII-View are
- Colors for border (resp. indication of
location) are changeable
- Colors of the inactive parts (at Hex-View, left
corner, and when pane is larger then the component, e.g. too few bytes
to display)
Library |
File management |
Complete File management, i.e. New File supported
and Open, Save, Save As with huge files benefit from
a Progessbar |
up to 2
GB are
supported under specific restrictions
- You have that amount of memory free
- Have 64bit Java installed (on 32-bit Windows
is 1.4-1.6GB)
- Have set the increased Heap-parameter in the
option (e.g.
-Xmx 1.2GB )
I have tested with a 905MB-file loading without
any problems. Editing
and viewing was no problem at all. |
Increase the
file-size which can
be loaded with the command-line option (e.g. -Xmx
1200MB )
e.g. java -jar HexEditor.jar -Xmx 1200MB |
File name
will be
filled in
automatically as you type in
- Names are selected with
cursor-keys resp. PgDn/PgUp
- ENTER loads the file
- Ctrl-Space displays the selection
Management if
file-content does not fit into memory (cause it is too large) |
Search |
- by ASCII-String
- case sensitive
- case insensitive
- by Hex-String
- forward or backward
- starts with a specific position (negative, like -1,
or number greater then file size are interpreted as the begin
of file)
- found position is displayed
Library |
Keyboard Control |
- Cursor Left/Right/Up/Down
- Page Up/Down
- Home/End
- Ctrl-Home/Ctrl-End
Library |
Selection |
Text can be selected with Keyboard or Mouse:
- Shift and Arrow-Keys, PgUp/PgDn, Pos1/End expand the selection automatically
- Click anywhere and hold the mouse till the end
- Click anywhere, release the mouse, move somewhere else, hold the Shift-Key and Press left-mouse to extend the selection
- Hold the Ctrl-Key and press anywhere. If you have
already selected a text, the cursor will be displayed and you can once
again extend the selection as above

As soon as you place somewhere the cursor, without any additional selection (described above), the selection will be reseted. |
Library |
Search |
You can highlight all matching text parts at once |
Cursor |
- current position of the cursor displayed
- jump to a specific position (if out of range, then
either first or last is used)
- Blink rate changeable
- Cursor is marked in the selection to have a better orientation for the user (see screenshot for Selection)
Library and GUI |
Panel |
Expandable Panels to save space on GUI - i.e. panel content could be hided if not required |
Font |
Resize and reset of the font |

Heap View |
- displays currently used Heap
- displays currently used Total Memory
- could launch the Java Garbage Collector to free
memory (to do so, double click the Heap View)